- 30 Cobden Street - view of back garden - message refers - taken by Will and shows
sender's Aunt & Uncle
- All Hallows Church, Poplar - exterior view
- All Saints Parish Church , Poplar - portrait view of exterior
- Bath Street Chapel, Poplar - looking eastward with bus and horsedrawn delivery vehicle
- Blackwall Pier and Steamer entering East India Dock - Blackwall Pier and Steamer
entering East India Dock
- Blackwall Pier , Poplar - view from end of pier toward Orchard Wharf and the Union
Castle dry dock - message refers
- Blackwall Tunnel - view of gateway with Deptford bound horse bus and people
- Blackwall Tunnel, Poplar - superb portrait view looking back up slope to tunnel showing
Plumstead bound motorbus (#69)
- Board of Trade Offices - view of exterior from E India Dock Road with Richards delivery
horse and cart in front
- Board of Trade Offices, Poplar - view of exterior
- Brunswick Road Day Industrial School - view of exterior from Blackwall tunnel entrance
- C Knightsbridge, 112 Chrisp Street - superb view of shop and staff and stall from street - showing loads of beef
xmas stock ......
- Chrisp Street, Poplar - showing Home & Colonial Stores and Oxenham & Co., Drapers
- Convent F C J , Howrah House , Poplar - interior view of chapel
- Convent F C J , Howrah House , Poplar - view of a drawing room
- Convent F C J , Howrah House , Poplar - view of exterior
- Den Danske Kirke I London - exterior view - King Street , West India Dock Road
- Dock Gates and Blackwall Tunnel , Poplar - animated southeast view with Poplar tram etc
- Dock Gates - super P & S view with tram, horses and carts etc...
- East India Dock Road - view looking eastward showing Hippodrome on left hand side
- East India Dock Road - animated view looking westward from near St Leonards Road
- East India Dock Road - looking eastward - shows Poplar Station and Aldgate Tram #628
- East India Dock Road - superb view looking west with Hippodrome on right + middle
distance tram
- East India Dock Road, Poplar - view looking westward from Bow Lane with tram etc.
- East India Dock Road, looking west - animated view - St Stephens Church on right
- East India Dock Road, looking east - from corner of Upper North Street - shows William Theis,bakers and East India Arms
- East India Road , Poplar - superb view looking westward showing Recreation Tavern P.H.
and George Green Schools on right
- Entrance to Blackwall Tunnel - showing the Grand Palace Picture Theatre and the
Volunteer P.H.
- Entrance to Blackwall Tunnel, Poplar - full view of entrance - shows Beehive PH
& shops
- Entrance to E. India Docks & Blackwall Tunnel - view looking south-eastward - with
horse and cart and horse bus in foreground
- Fire Station West India Dock Road - view looking eastward with nice crowd outside
- George green's Schools,East India Dock Road - message refers - I went to school here -
Sept 1906 to July 1908
- Greetings From Poplar - m/v - Princes Theatre, New Police sta., Geo Green Schools etc.
- High Street Poplar - looking west - showing Board of Works and Library
- Hippodrome, Poplar - super view with tram etc.
- Iron Bridge - looking east - nice animation
- J J Prior, Heavy Haulage Contractors, Orchard Wharf, Leamouth Road
- Joseph Squires' Horsebus - view of Horsebus with Passengers and driver at Pennyfields
- L.C.C.School of Marine Engineering, High Street - view from the Poplar Park - also shows
N B Walters' shop
- Launch of H M S Thunderer - Steamers Saluting - superb view of bend in river with boats
- from Thames Iron Works
- Launch of H M S Thunderer - ship running off the slips into river - with crowds cheering
- Lord Mayors Day, Poplar - superb view of lifeboat men lined up for inspection o/s RNLI
depot at Trinity House, Orchard Place
- LT tram car #901 - close-up view of tram at West India Docks Terminus - route #77
- Monument of the much regretted & beloved Dean Lawless - portrait view - erected in
Loving Memory by P J Tye & family of No 176 E India Dock Road
- New Dock Entrance, 1914 - view looking eastward with trams and delivery vehicles etc
- Old Dock Gates and Entrance to Hospital
- Oban Street Schools, Poplar - exterior view with Howards in background
- Oban Street Schools, Poplar - superb view of teachers? in front of large Union Jack - titled 'from the
Children of Oban Street School, Poplar
- Oban Street, Peace Day 1919 - superb view of street with revellers - looking toward Howards , timber merchants -
- Parade - corner Bloomfield Street and Guildford Road - lovely scene looking down
Bloomfield street - Easter parade?
- Paris Councillors visit to London , Blackwall Tunnel , Poplar - portrait view of crowd
watching visitors go by through tunnel entrance
- Police Station, East India Dock Road - also showing shop of publisher
- Poplar & Bromley Tabernacle Band - lovely group photo of band
- Poplar & Stepney Sick Asylum - G Sep.ward - charming view of toddlers in beds with
nurses and ward sister
- Poplar Brigade 1911- group photo of Sally Army band
- Poplar Church - portrait view of exterior
- Poplar Church, Poplar - portrait view looking north-east
- Poplar F.C. 1909-10 - group view of the team
- Poplar F.C. 1912-13 - group view of the team
- Poplar Hospital - coloured exterior view
- Poplar Hospital & Entrance to East India Docks - superb view - looking north east
and showing industrial day school
- Poplar Recreation Ground showing Gift Anchor & Seamens Institute - looking across
- Poplar Station - exterior view from East India Dock Road
- Poplar Station - one-off photocard - showing 'The Platform, Poplar Station. N.L.Rly'.
- Poplar Town Hall - exterior view
- Public Baths, East India Dock Road - exterior view
- Public Library, High Street - view from Poplar recreation ground
- Public War Memorial, St Leonards Road
- QVSR multi-view - shows ext. , Residential room and Evelyn Munro Room for Officers
- QVSR - A Cosy Corner in the Boarders' Room - view of group around the fire-place -
incl.Supt.Roe? - bookcase table etc.
- Residential Quarters at the Queen Victoria Seamen's Rest - lovely view of room with
woman at table and man sitting on an easy chair
- Seamens' Institute,East India Dock Road - view from Poplar Park
- Souvenir Charity Football Match , Poplar? - m/v card showing matches and kick-off
- S S Mary and Joseph Catholic Church Poplar
- SS Mary and Joseph Church, Poplar - portrait view from down the street
- SS Mary and Joseph's Presbytery and Church
- St Mathias' Church , Poplar - exterior view from Poplar park
- St Michael & all Angels , St Leonard's Rd - ext. view looking down St Leonard's Road
- St Michael & All Angels' Brass Band , Poplar - group photo of band
- St Michael's Church , Poplar - exterior view looking northward
- St Stephen's Church, East India Dock Road - superb view looking west also showing
William Theis, Bakers on corner of New North Road
- Thames Iron works - View of launch of HMS Thunderer from river - tow of tugs
- Thames Iron works - superb view from river of launch of a Japanese ship
- The Eastern , East India Dock Road - superb view from J Russell looking into junction
and eastward along East India Dock Road
- The Guardian Offices, North Street - exterior view
- The Hippodrome, Poplar - superb view of exterior looking eastward with tram etc
- The Mission to Seamen Institute , East India Dock Road - view from East india Dock Road
- looking west
- The Old Dock Gates, Poplar - also shows Poplar Hospital
- Trinity Congregational Church - portrait view of exterior
- Tunnel Gardens,Poplar - view looking north with people on benches etc. - E.India dock
entrance in background
- Victoria Seamen's Rest - exterior view of building
- Yarrow Works , Poplar - superb view of front entrance with men and kids outside -
message refers - Folly Wall